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Background Check?

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Protect Yourself & Your Business with the #1 Criminal Conviction Database in the Country

Background Checks Include:

  • Offense History, Sentences and More.
  • Search of 600,000,000 criminal records from all 50 states.
  • Sex Offender Registry Search
  • Terrorist Watchlist Check
  • SSN Validation

Comprehensive Background Checks

Human Verified

With our comprehensive network of researchers and system-to-system interfaces, you will have a screening services company that's easy to work with, thorough and fast.

1000+ Data Sources

County, state & federal court records, offender registries & government and terrorist watch lists.

Customer Service

We pride ourselves on our US-based customer service team. We're always ready to provide personalized service by phone or email.

Trusted performs over 25 million checks per year.

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Mark Fraiser

Marketing Director at Company

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Susan Bone

Advertising Director at Agency

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James Cohen

Sales Manager at Brand

*Based on a comparison of the number of sources of conviction data for online criminal conviction databases that make their source list publicly available.